About Us


To create golf equipment that respects and supports the tradition of walking the game.

About Walker Trolleys:

Walker Trolleys is Austin, Texas-based, having recently relocated to America's newest startup capital. But our story began in the entrepreneurial hotbed of San Francisco in 2018. Our founder and CEO didn’t own his own push cart for tackling the crushing hills of the Presidio Golf Course.

He was able to test drive several models available from the course’s bag room. Some were better than others, but time and time again, they came up short on design, performance and storage.

He traveled to Scotland last summer, playing the classics like Royal Dornoch, the Old Course at St. Andrews, Prestwick Golf Club and North Berwick Golf Club. He was blown away by the history and tradition of golf in Scotland, where walking the links was a way of life and an opportunity to bond with kindred souls. 

He used a push cart at many of these storied courses and clubs, but by the end of his pilgrimage, he was convinced none of the offerings were consistent with the ethos of the “royal and ancient” game as played in Scotland.

It was on an airplane, over a neat Scotch, en route home to U.S. that the idea for the first Walker Trolley was born. A clean, elegant push cart marrying modern and classic design features, the Walker Trolley is lightweight, portable and eminently convenient. 

The Walker Trolley is a push cart for the player, the purist, the aficionado who appreciates style, form and functionality, and who boldly chooses walking as a way to play the game. 

Follow us on Instagram (@WalkerTrolleys) and Twitter (@WalkerTrolleys).

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